Tuesday, February 17, 2009

we are the champion..hehe...

im not so well today.last night i got headache..
wuah..so tired today..
so this morning i have to attend document processing 2 until 10am..

erm..ari tu msuk tournament bowling under kolej2..
so..im so excited ni..

utk kolej2 siswi, kolej ktaorg iaitu melati 2 dpt tmpat ke2.hehe...sronoknya.xsangka brtul ktaorg blh dpt tmpat ke2..
utk individu siswi aku dpt tmpat ke3.btlke ni?
hehe..aku pn cm xcya jerk.kuang3...
tp pape pn..alhamsulillah...doaku trmakbul jua akhirnya...
tahniah kpd tman2 sepasukan!


  1. salam dik. saje jenguk2 blog. Tq ye sbb jd follower blog akak ;)

  2. salam.. kak damya! haha..
    welkem no hal...
